Girls Who Code

Thank you Girls Who Code for everything you've done for me 

A while ago I heard an announcement asking all girls interested in computer science to come over to Room 205 during lunch to become part of a club: Girls Who Code! 

I didn't really think that much of it then, but Girls Who Code has really changed so much of my life!

After I attended a couple meetings, I realized that I really really liked it. I was already taking a Java class in school, but the male-dominated class always seemed a bit intimidating. Girls Who Code gave me a completely different view of computer programming. Being around other girls like me who have the same passion that I have is really something I'm grateful for. 

I got to learn JavaScript (which I now know is completely different from Java) and work with other girls to make cool projects. I got more and more interested in Girls Who Code and the unique environment it provided for me.

I liked it so much that I even applied for the Girls Who Code Summer Immersion Program, in the hopes of spending even more time with this amazing organization.

Soon, officer selection time rolled in. Anyone could sign up. In the past, I've was pretty shy about things like this. I was always so afraid of running for office. But right then, I felt something completely different.
Reshma Saujani

Before joining the Girls Who Code club, I checked out their website. It seemed pretty promising. But one thing really stuck out for me. The founder, Reshma Saujani, was an Indian-American woman, just like me, in a male-dominated field. But did she back down? NO! She became the first Indian-American woman to run for Congress! That thought was really inspiring for me.

Reshma Saujani

 I felt like I could do anything. I confidently walked up to the sign-up sheet the moment it was announced and I was the first one to put my name on the list--for president. No hesitation. No fear.
This type of confidence is something I hope to keep with me for my whole life.

Flash-forward a couple weeks, and I was giving my speech to about forty girls! Normally I would be shaking in fear to do this. But that day, I felt calm and confident. I could do this.

And today? Today I am the president of my school's Girls Who Code club!

Now, I just want to say thank you. Thank you to all my mentors and teachers in Girls Who Code who are volunteering their precious time to help girls foster their interests in computer science. Thank you to all the girls who voted to me, And thank you Reshma Saujani, for starting Girls Who Code and for inspiring me.


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