Girls Who Code Summer Camp

A lot of hard work! 

Me and my fellow Girl Who Code officers have decided to hold a Summer Camp for girls in 4th through 6th grade. And of course, as president, this means I have had a lot of work to do.

So many things had to be taken care of: How should we advertise and promote publicity? Where can we book a place with 50 computers? When should we hold it--what time and dates? How much should we teach? What topics should we cover? How do we explain these topics to 4th, 5th, and 6th graders?

It took a lot of hard work, late nights, and determination, but we've planned nearly everything out!

Here's a flyer I designed with my officer team and created on my own (with Photoshop):

GWC Flyer
This was a lot of work!

I'm really proud of how much we've accomplished and I will update more on how the camp goes.


  1. would you mind sharing this image with me? I am trying to start my club and would love to use this flyer :)


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