Making Girls Who Create Public

A couple summers ago, I made the Girls Who Create summer camp. I started from scratch and created a curriculum, schedule, slides, teaching material, demonstrations, and coded examples. It was one of the most amazing and most rewarding experiences of my entire life.

I hoped to do it again and continue the camp, but after moving across the country to college and seeing how quickly my breaks are now filling with internships, research, and extra work, I realized that I wouldn't be able to continue to teach it in person. However, I still want to continue to spread the love of learning and make full use of the resources I created.

That is why I have shared the slides, schedules, and planning material on the girlswhocreate website,
in the hopes that others will be able to use these resources to go forth and create their own experience spreading the love of learning and creating.

On that page, I have compiled the major resources I created, from the teaching material like slides and code examples to logistical supplements like signs and attendance sheets.

Girls Who Create Link with further advice

Google Drive Link with teaching material

GitHub Link with example code

I truly hope that others will benefit and learn from my experiences and I can't wait to see what's in store for the future!


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