Trip to Google Pittsburgh!

Just came back from a trip to Google Pittsburgh!

For the past few years, Carnegie Mellon has taken the incoming class for the School of Computer Science to a trip to Google Pittsburgh. Pretty fitting, considering the Dean of the School of Computer Science, Andrew Moore, was also behind creating the Google engineering office in Pittsburgh.

It was truly an inspiring experience. On top of the fact that the campus is so lively and fun, it was amazing to hear from actual CMU alumni--people who had been in exactly my shoes a few years ago--talk about their experiences and accomplishments at Google.

One of the major things that really struck me was how committed everyone was to making an impact and making a difference. Most of the time, when you think of Google, you think of the search engine, or maybe Google Calendar or Google Drive. On top of these obviously useful products, Google also spends a massive amount of resources into improving the world through outreach programs.
A presentation by Jonathan Betz really impressed upon me this message of creating social change. He gave a couple examples of how Google had concretely improved the world including increasing voter registration in America during the 2017 election and increasing the efficiency of an emergency medical program during the Zika virus outbreak.

Overall, I just feel really inspired to go forth and work hard so I too can one day make an impact like this on the world.


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