Craft Faire Vendor!

Finally selling the finished product!

For a while now, I've been working towards ArtReach's sale at the Lynbrook Craft Faire. The sale is only one day, but it was really incredible seeing how in order to create that one good day, many different people had to put in countless hours of work. 
We sold watercolor mugs at a table in the Craft Faire. Sounds simple, right? But really, there were so many other steps that had to be taken to reach that goal. 
We had to register as vendors for the Faire, manage and complete all required paperwork, fund for the mug-decorating materials, paint the actual mugs, create advertisements and posters, book a table, and create vendor shifts so someone was present for all 8 hours of the faire. 

The fact that so much goes into making this possible makes it that much more rewarding in the end. It was really great seeing all of our efforts finally put into one thing. 

We ended up selling all of our mugs and we had a really great time!


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