Camp is almost over!

A little update on how the GWC Summer Camp has gone

Our summer camp has been going pretty well so far. The girls are all so amazing. They manage to pick up complex concepts at alarming speeds. One girl had never seen a line of code in her entire life, but now, in just a few days, she understands every single topic we covered perfectly as well as all the challenging concepts I gave her as extra work!
They are so incredibly smart, sometimes I forget how young they are!

Young children can unwittingly be so funny sometimes. Some of the girls this age have not yet developed a sense of personal boundaries and ask me and the speakers the strangest questions. Yesterday while our speaker, Rod Begbie, was talking about the social changes needed to bring women and minorities into CS fields, one girl cut him off to ask, “Are you married?” He was very tactful though, and answered the question along with the myriad of other questions (some relevant and some not-so-much) that the girls asked. And today one girl asked me “Where do you like to go shopping?” before she went on to ask for help with her code!

All in all, I’m having a lot of fun, and I’m glad the girls are too! <3


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