Vancouver Trip: Sense of Direction
Since there are Splunk offices are all over the world, I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to visit one of the remote offices in Vancouver! This was a big experience for me for many reasons. There was the obvious reason of being able to work with my team members who I had only ever seen as tiny pixels on a Zoom meeting screen and finally get to see them in real life. But for me honestly, the biggest thing I got was a huge sense of independence. For one, I had never traveled internationally before. That was kind of cool (managing passports and international papers on my own for the first time), but really not too different from whenever I travel across the US for school. But most importantly (and most ironically) was independence from technology. I realize just how dependent I am on technology during travel, but I was about to get a rude awakening on arriving to Vancouver. Think about it. If you are about to travel somewhere new what do you do to prepare? Well, the answer...