First month in Pittsburgh!

Wow, I can’t believe it’s been over a month since I came to Carnegie Mellon University. It’s been a pretty wild ride--I barely know where to start! Coming all the way across the country to Pittsburgh means I’ve got a whole lot of new places to explore! Here’s map of some of the places I’ve gone to so far (marked with hearts <3 ): Cathedral of Learning: The Cathedral of Learning (lovingly called ‘Cathy’ by those who know her :) ) is a huge cathedral a short walk away from CMU. It has 42 floors and the public can access all the way up to the 36th floor. A bunch of friends and I took a late night trip to the 36th floor so we could look down at CMU. After walking all throughout the CMU campus for the past month, it was super interesting to see it from a bird's-eye view. Carnegie Music Hall: I went with a couple of friends from SCS to see the Dean of SCS, Andrew Moore interview the co-founder of Apple, Steve Wozniak. The building was absolutel...