Tour of Pixar!
An amazing place! Today, I had the incredible opportunity to visit the Emeryville Pixar campus thanks to our awesome host, Henry Garcia, who works there and has helped Girls Who Code in the past. All the things at Pixar was absolutely awe-inspiring. From their buildings, to their clay models, to their concept art, to their facilities. Their amazing feats don't go unnoticed with their 10-foot display case full of awards! This is probably the closest I'll ever get to an Oscar :) But I can say that one of my favorite parts about Pixar's artwork is the color scripts. I was lucky enough to be able to see the color scripts for Finding Dory (which comes out in a couple weeks, Thursday, June 16th!). Unfortunately, I couldn't take any pictures (some things just gotta secret ya know XP). However, I can say that they were all absolutely stunning and I'm so grateful that I got to see them. Though I can't show you Finding Dory 's colo...